
The Immigration Dream Center was established in October of 2017 by immigration attorney Alan Diamante in order to leverage synergies from various organizations seeking to partner with immigrants arriving to America in pursuit of the American Dream. The goal of IDC is to provide mentorship and education programs to enable newly arrived immigrants with the tools they need in order to navigate and succeed within their newly found American culture. As part of the program, immigrants are also required to become mentors to other immigrants so that they can pass on the knowledge and skills in order to empower others, maximizing the effectiveness of the IDC vision.

Our first media project, Final Injustice, is a documentary that exposes the extra-judicial killings taking place along the US-Mexico border carried out by White Supremacist “special operations” teams and their connection to former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. In order to defend our Constitution and protect the values enshrined in the American Dream, the Immigration Dream Center Board of Directors unanimously agreed to support this project in order to expose the criminal activities of White Supremacist vigilantes along the US-Mexico Border.